Bullfighting posters Valencia 2014

Fallas 2014

  • Saturday, March 8th. Novillada show. Bulls Daniel Ruiz for Fernando Beltrán, Román and Jorge Expósito.
  • Sunday, March 9th. Bullfight. Bulls of Adolfo Martín for the bullfighters Rafaelillo, Javier Castaño and Fernando Robleño.
  • Tuesday, March 11th. Novillada show. Bulls of El Torreón for Posada de Maravillas, Álvaro Lorenzo and Cristian Climent (debut).
  • Wednesday, March 12th. Novillada show. Bulls of El Parralejo for Román, Francisco José Espada and José Garrido.
  • Thursday, March 13th. Bullfight. Bulls of Fuente Ymbro for Antonio Ferrera, Joselito Adame and Jiménez Fortes.
  • Friday, March 14th. Bullfight. Bulls of Jandilla and Vegahermosa for El Cid, Manuel Escribano and Iván Fandiño.
  • Saturday, March 15th (in the morning). Novillada show. Bulls of Jandilla and Vegahermosa for Andrés Roca Rey, Aitor Darío “El Gallo” and Jorge Rico.
  • Saturday, March 15th. Bullfight. Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq for Finito de Córdoba, Morante de la Puebla and José María Manzanares.
  • Sunday, March 16th. Bullfight. Bulls of Núñez del Cuvillo for Juan José Padilla, El Fandi and Daniel Luque.
  • Monday, March 17th. Bullfight. Bulls of Zalduendo for Sebastián Castella and Miguel Ángel Perera, hand to hand.
  • Tuesday, March 18th. Bullfight. Bulls of Victoriano del Río and bulls of Cortés for Enrique Ponce, Julián López “El Juli” and Jesús Duque (alternative).
  • Wednesday, March 19th (in the morning). Rejones show. Bulls of Fermín Bohórquez for Andy Cartagena, Diego Ventura and Leonardo Hernández.
  • Wednesday, March 19th. Bullfight. Bulls of Garcigrande and Domingo Hernández for Enrique Ponce, Morante de la Puebla, Julián López “El Juli” and José María Manzanares.
Triumphant bullfighter

Julian López "El Juli"

Shows held

4 Novilladas shows, 8 Bullfight, 1 Rejones show.

Virgen de Los Desamparados Festivity

  • Saturday, May 10th. Novillada show. Bulls of Lagunajanda for the bullfighters Alberto Aguilar, David Mora and Paco Ureña.
Shows held

1 Novillada show

July Fair 2014

  • Saturday, July 19th. Novillada show. Bulls of López Gibaja for Fernando Beltrán, Filiberto and Aitor Darío “el Gallo”.
  • Sunday, July 20th. Rejones show. Bulls of Luis Terrón for Andy Cartagena, Sergio Galán and Leonardo Hernández.
  • Wednesday, July 23rd. Novillos show. Bulls of Talavante for Álvaro Lorenzo, Cristian Climent and Juan Varea.
  • Thursday, July 24th. Bullfight. Bulls of Las Ramblas for the bullfighters Juan José Padilla, Miguel Abellán and David Fandila “el Fandi”.
  • Friday, July 25th. Mixed bullfight. Bulls of Fermín Bohórquez for Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza and bulls of Victoriano del Río. Hand to hand, Julián López “el Juli” and Miguel Ángel Perera.
  • Saturday, July 26th. Bullfight. Bulls of Núñez del Cuvillo for Sebastián Castella, Daniel Luque and Román.
  • Sunday, July 27th. Bullfight. Bulls of Hijos de Celestino Cuadri for Rafaelillo, Luis Bolívar and Jesús Duque.
Triumphant bullfighter

Miguel Abellán

Shows held

2 Novilladas show, 3 Bullfights, 1 Rejones show, 1 Mixed bullfight

  • Sunday, October 5th. Novillada show. Bulls of Los Chospes for Fernando Rey, Jorge Expósito and Andrés Roca Rey.
  • Thursday, October 9th. Bullfight of Torrehandilla and Torreherberos for Juan Bautista, Alberto Gómez and Jesús Duque.
Shows held

1 Novillada show, 1 Bullfight

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