Bullfighting posters Valencia 2011

Fallas 2011

  • Saturday, March 12th. Bullfight. Bulls of Victoriano del Río for the bullfighters Enrique Ponce, Vicente Barrera and El Juli.
  • Sunday, March 13th. Bullfight. Bulls of Jandilla for Paquirri, El Fandi and Talavante.
  • Monday, March 14th. Novillada show. Bulls of Javier Molina for Thomas Duffau, Juan del Álamo and Jesús Duque.
  • Tuesday, March 15th. Bullfight. Bulls of Alcurrucén for Juan Bautista, Miguel Abellán and Leandro.
  • Wednesday, March 16th. Bullfight. Bulls of Fuente Ymbro for Curro Díaz, Matías Tejela and Rubén Pinar.
  • Thursday, March 17th. Bullfight. Bulls of Nuñez del Cuvillo for Morante, Manzanares and Daniel Luque.
  • Friday, March 18th. Bullfight. Bulls of San Mateo for El Cid, Miguel Ángel Perera and Cayetano.
  • Saturday, March 19th (at the morning). Rejones show. Bulls of San Pelayo and San Mateo for Álvaro Montes, Andy Cartagena, Rui Fernandes, Sergio Galán, Joao Moura, and Leonardo Hernández.
  • Saturday, March 19th. Bullfight. Bulls of Las Ramblas for Juan Mora, Enrique Ponce and Sebastián Castella.
  • Sunday, March 20st. Rojones show. Bulls of Guadaira for Miguel Giménez, López Simón and Diego Silvet.
  • Sunday, March 20st. Bullfight. Bulls of Adolfo Martín for Tomás Sánchez, Rafaelillo and Alberto Aguilar.
Triumphant bullfighter

José María Manzanares

Shows held

1 Novillada show, 9 bullfight, 1 rejones show

Virgen de los Desamparados Festivity

  • Saturday, May 7th. Bullfight. Bulls of Eduardo Miura y Victorino Martín for the bullfighters Ángel de la Rosa and Juan José Padilla.
  • Sunday, May 8th. Novillada show. Bulls of Manolo González and González Sánchez for Juan Vicente, Pascual Javier and Victor Barrio.
Shows held

1 Novillada show, 1 bullfight

July Fair

  • Saturday, July 16th. Novillada show. Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq for the bullfigthters Francisco D. and Tiago Santos.
  • Sunday, July 17th. Novillada show. Bulls of Los Azores for David Galván, Antonio Puerta, Jesús Duque.
  • Monday, July 18th. Novillada show. Bulls of Fuente Rey for Antonio Santana, Cristian Climent, David González.
  • Tuesday, July 19th. Novillada show. Bulls of Los Galos for Pascual Javier, Sergio Flores, Mario Alcalde.
  • Wednesday, July 20th. Bullfight. Bulls of La Quinta for Tomás Sanchez, José Calvo, Alberto Aguilar.
  • Thursday, July 21st. Bullfight. Bulls of Juan Pedro Domecq Vicente Barrera, El cid, Daniel Luque.
  • Friday, July 22nd.. Bullfight. Bulls of Garcigrande and Domingo Hernández for Enrique Ponce, El Juli, José María Manzanares.
  • Saturday, July 23rd. Bullfight. Bulls of El Pilar for Juan Mora, José Tomás, Arturo Saldívar. 
  • Sunday, July 24th. Rejones show. Bulls of San Mateo and San Pelayo for Andy Cartagena, Leonardo Hernández, Manuel Manzanares.
Triumphant bullfighter

José Tomás

Shows held

4 Novilladas shows, 4 bullfights, 1 Rejones show

Valencian Community Fair

  • Saturday, October 8th. Novillada show. Bulls of Los Chospes for Manuel Fernández, Jesús de Valencia and David Sevilla.
  • Sunday, October 9th. Bullfight. Bulls of Valdefresno for Ángel de la Rosa, Leandro and Iván Fandiño.
Shows held

1 Novillada show, 1 bullfight

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